Renovation Checklist – How to Plan Your Renovation

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So you’re taking the plunge and renovating something in your home, congratulations! There are many reasons to renovate. You may need to repair or replace something, like your leaky roof or your siding or your gaudy windows. Perhaps you are ready to modernize that 70’s inspired orange kitchen or bathroom, say goodbye to that shag carpet. Taking time to think through what you want to change, and why you want to change these things, serves as the most beneficial foundation for your renovation plans or checklist. The first and most important step is to create a renovation plan or a renovation checklist. You are going to want to keep 3 simple things in mind:

man drawing blueprint of custom home

1. Renovation Plan

Create a want and need a list for your home renovation. Within two columns put your wants and your needs for the project. This creates a way to organize your priorities and desires. For example: fixing your leaky roof may be a need but a new bay window for the living room is more of a want.

Following your wants and needs list, it is time to look at the timeline for your home renovation/house renovation if you are planning a family vacation if may not be the best time to consult a renovation planner to begin construction while you are away. This timeline will also help with your next step: design.

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2. Renovation Design

This is when it is time to consult your want and need list, and anyone else living in your home. There are plenty of styles, textures, and colours to consider for any room.
But it is not just about a ‘theme’ for the room or making that perfect princess room for your child. Look online for inspiration in photos and renovation blogs.

You must also consider the following:

Use of Space:
How you and your cohabitors use a room will help to figure out the amount of space required and the extent of how it needs to be used. What sort of activities will take place in the room? Who will use this room and what will they use it for? Additionally, you will want to think about the size of furniture you want to place in the room.

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Perhaps you want to create a space for a home theatre or a home office, these are things to think about with your design ideas.

Light and Brightness:

This is when to think about electrical needs, and windows available. Do you want natural light or a more ambient aesthetic? All of these things are things to think about with the lighting but are as well things to consider but things that are best left to the judgement of your contractor.

With clear goals and a plan in place, you can then determine what your priorities and your needs truly are.

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3. Renovation Budget

Determine your renovation budget. Before you meet with a contractor, you’ll need a ballpark estimate of what you can and cannot afford. Refer back to your wants and needs list and compare it to the carved out budget for the project. After you determine this estimated budget then you may begin looking for a contractor. For this, you must do your research. Do not simply choose the first name that pops up in an internet search. Look at reviews, past work and ask around. And always examine the fine print of the contract. Break down your budget further with your contractor.

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Within your budget, you will need to make any additional plans, such as reserving a self-storage space for larger items or furnishings and booking a hotel room for the day when the water or lighting will be turned off. And consider times you will need to order in or go eat out at a restaurant in your budget, especially if you are renovating your kitchen or dining room.

Having a checklist for your renovation plans is important and when you consider the 3 main steps of plan, design, and budget you will be able to create the perfect and best checklist for your home renovation project. Contact Black Pearl for more information.

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